This week has had it's bummers like cleaning throw up out of the carpet and the camera shop telling me that they can't figure out what is wrong with my camera and that I am going to have to send it directly to Canon. :( But the highs are always greater than the lows.
Some of the highlights of my week:
Monday: Dave surprising me by bringing me Costa Vida for lunch
Tuesday: Cleaning day = a clean house! ( I love and hate this day)
Wednesday: My holiday dress party = 4 beautiful new dresses for Ashley - free :)
Performing surgery on Dave's foot - complete with an injection and scalpel. I should have been a surgeon :) I have skills :) I removed a GIANT bougainvillea thorn that was completely embedded below the skin in his heel (just FYI: he would list this as a low point of his week)
Thursday: Having lunch with Chanda at Paradise Bakery
Visiting with Ashby at soccer practice
Julie bringing us pie and being a wonderful friend!
Friday: Getting to see my BYU roomie Jami and having her take our family pics this year.
Dinner at Joe's BBQ and seeing Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at Hale Theater.
Saturday: Soccer games, BYU victory, shopping at Costco all by myself, playing at the neighborhood Fall Shin-dig with my family, Julie bring us pie - AGAIN :)
Sunday: These pictures (below) of my babes, the bishop calling me to his office to give me a chocolate truffle ;) (I really love that guy) chocolate chip pancakes for dinner, reading with Ash, rocking Luke to sleep, and listening to Zac play me Christmas music.