Friday, July 16, 2010

Graduation Girl

Ashley Grace graduated from Kindergarten!
(yes, I am a little behind but I'll get to that later)
She had the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful teacher! We were so blessed to have
Mrs. Sanguigni and I could not have chosen a teacher who was more perfect for my Ash.
It was a wonderful year and she learned soooooo much! Oh I do really love Kindergarten.

(It is first grade that is hard for me -- all day -- I am not ready to give up my girlie all day. First grade always makes me cry - a lot. But I don't want to think about that right now. sniff)

These are some pics of her graduation program. It was darling. Mrs. Sanguigni taught her class sign language all year. As they learned to read a new word... they learned to sign it too. Ash can sign almost everything that she reads, it is amazing! For the program the children all signed the Louis Armstrong song, "What a Wonderful World", and also the John Lennon song, "Imagine." It was so sweet.

Here are a few more favorite Kindergarten memories that she enjoyed this year:

Doing homework with Cinnamon bear toast :)

Mother Goose Games: This was Jack and Jill went up the hill...

to fetch a pail of water

Putting Humpty Dumpty back together again

Class Valentine's party:
Musical Chairs
Teddy Graham math
Face Painting
Decorating cookies
Ashley LOVED when it was her turn to bring the class teddy bear home for the weekend.
They played dress-up together and teddy was VERY loved.

Hooray! You become a member of the Letter-O-Saurus Club when you
can identify all your letters and their sounds.
A really wonderful year!