A pirate birthday party. That was this little scoundrel's request for his 5th birthday.
He could hardly wait... He counted down for days... He practiced his mean pirate face...
We delivered the invitations... And at last, the Buccaneer Bash began... These are some of his mateys that joined in the fun.
(wish I got a picture of all of them)
We played "Walk the Plank"... And "Swab the Deck"... (please excuse the blur) They used their treasure maps to find the hidden treasure and then took turns trying to get to all that loot and pirate booty. There were lots of super cool gifts that Captain Luke was so thrilled about! Happy 5th Birthday, my sweet baby boy! I love you.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring Break Woohoo! I love Spring Break! So nice to have my kids home and enjoy a break from the crazy, busy schedule that we run around here. This year, we decided to take a trip to Cali' to take the kids to Disneyland for a few days and spend some time with Mike (Dave's brother) and Pepper and their cute family. We were most excited to meet our newest little niece, Tess!
Oh my goodness, isn't she darling? You could go swimming in those gorgeous baby blues :) We all fell crazy in love with her and could hardly put her down. She is the happiest, sweetest little thing. We wanted to bring her home with us, you know, to help even out the boy-to-girl ratio around here, but too bad for us, because Pepper said no. This little girl was especially enamored with her. She carried her around like a baby doll and loved on her every minute. :) And I don't think Tess minded one single bit. Ash had a little competition at times to get her hands on Tess :) Check out the cute birthday banner that Pepper and the kids made for Dave's birthday! He loved it!
So here is a little slide show to sum up our fun time at Disney. Click on the "HD" if you want to see it larger and have the best picture.