In May my parents came out to visit their AZ home for a few weeks. It was fun to have them close and a treat that I got to fly to Charleston to visit Tiff for a couple of days while grandma and grandpa looked after my babes. I love Charleston - it really is so charming with its beautiful old classical architecture, historical waterfront homes with inviting verandas called piazzas that I'm sure could tell fascinating stories - you know -- if walls could talk :) It also has really fun markets, oh-so-yummy seafood restaurants, (my mouth is watering thinking of she-crab soup and dirty cheesecake). They've got great beaches, lush greenery, and a neighborhood pond with a resident alligator. But best-of-all and worst-of-all they have my sister. I love to visit but hate that she is soooo far away.
These are the piazzas. So pretty and also unique to the architecture of this area.
I got to go to one of Cole soccer games! He is darling and melts my heart with his baby-blues and when he dresses up so handsome for me and asks me if I can please stay one more day :)
Ok - this picture seriously makes me laugh everytime I look at it! I love it!
Cutie Chloe
So proud of Tiff and all that she has accomplished. She is a total rock star!
I tried to get her to go and pose by her sign but she wouldn't.
So jealous! Sounds like you had a terrific time. My brother is serving his mission in Charlotte and your pictures make me want to go there! I bet your sister was so happy to have you visit.
Awesomw pics- I love your blog- I show it off at work! Keep it up- I'm an avid reader. I wish you could have stayed longer.
So jealous! Sounds like you had a terrific time. My brother is serving his mission in Charlotte and your pictures make me want to go there! I bet your sister was so happy to have you visit.
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