On Christmas night I went upstairs to put Luke to bed. He was so tired from the day's festivities that he fell asleep in my arms as I rocked him and sang the usual bedtime songs. I carefully laid him in his crib and returned to the rocking chair.
Then I sat and cried. Not just little tears but sobs that summoned Dave into the nursery to see what was the matter.
“I can’t do it,” I told him. “I’m not ready for this.”
Dave, being supportive, started offering suggestions on how we might put my “big-surprise-plan” on hold for a while, but also reminded me that Luke would not sleep in his crib forever.
The next morning Dave, Josh, and Zac awoke very early. Grandpa O. joined them. Equipped with snacks and lots of winter clothes the four guys headed north for a day on the slopes -- Josh’s activity of choice to celebrate this day, his thirteenth birthday.
As soon as the boys were out the door I sprang out of bed and into action.
I WAS going to do this, I told myself - I COULD do this. And besides, the surprise would be so much fun and the day of work ahead of me would be busy enough that there would be no time to look back or rethink this decision.
When the boys returned that night we blindfolded Josh and led him up the stairs to his special birthday surprise.
The nursery that I rocked Luke to sleep in the night before...
... After I realized that I could make room for the rocking chair in this room
... that Luke would still let me rock him at night
... that we could snuggle and read stories together in bed too...
Happy Birthday Josh!
I love you birthday boy!
forever - mom
The room is amazing, and we are glad you did it! It made for a nice, cozy stay for us 2 times! Thanks for sharing Josh! Very cute post also!
Amazing Wendy! All in a days work right! What an awesome birthday Josh!
So sweet...I hate it that they grow up. But you are amazing to pull that off in one day...you have a future in reality makeover shows. Want to move to LA?
Wow! I can't believe you did all of that in one day! Way to go! It looks great!
PS - I got your message the other night but we are dropping like flies around here from the sick. I totally want to do lunch with you, it's been way too long. Can we try for next week maybe? Hugs!
Hey Wend! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! Your posts are so sweet, I got a little teary reading them...especially about baby Luke :) Your family pictures look amazing too! I am always in awe of your beautiful family!!
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